discovered how to use iframes! now some of the sidecontent pulls from individual pages i can update to make my life easier, plus this update log too! tried to do the same with the sidebar blinkies but i ended up cutting that box entirely and i'll probably just add it to my about page tbh. yesterday i also finished up the about page for now but adding in my fursonas and some images, but yesterday i was sprucing up the html/css on my toyhouse lol. i want to get better with offline coding and updates but need to figure out how that works so i'm not constantly update spamming TT_TT
revamped the home page a little - added more stamps to my collection, fleshed out the about page with a bio and my interests/favourite things, still need to add to the third container though. also renamed the upcoming archive page to the gallery page as that's more fititng. i also have my own blinkie now! yay :-) i'll probably make a better one eventually, but i was getting super jealous. revamped the sidebars a bit too to include other peoples websites and things.
added more stamps, redesigned the sidebars and added emoticons/favicons, started some under construction template pages for about, archive, and commissions pages. added another silly gir gif.
website rehauled: mainpage redone, guestbook added, and working social links. need to flesh out my about, then move onto coding a functional archive of 2025 to 2012.
website created and super basic theme implemented to get the basic layout started